
Plant Manager- Paul Carter


Our Geelong Maltings is situated 70km southwest of Melbourne on Corio Bay in the City of Geelong, Victoria.

The maltings was first commissioned in 1985 and underwent an expansion in 1994, which increased the annual production capacity from 75,000 to 100,000 tonnes of malt.

In line with the company’s policy to produce and supply malt to customers’ requirements, the Geelong Maltings is certified to the International Quality Standard ISO 14001. 

Production Capabilities

The Geelong Maltings is a traditionally formatted maltings, comprising of:  

  • 8 x cylindroconical steeps 
  • 4 x Saladin germination boxes
  • 2 single deck circular kilns 
  • 1 roaster to produce specialty malts 

The malt house combines precise process control with high capital efficiency.  The entire plant is computer monitored and is designed for maximum economy in the utilisation of all resources.  

Malting Process

Barley Receival
Special care is taken at this step to ensure that the barley meets our strict quality control guidelines.

Prior to processing, the grain is physically screened and dressed.

Our steep batch size is 320 tonnes with a 48 hr maximum steeping cycle. The steeping configuration incorporates 8 x 80 tonne capacity conical steeping tanks with multiple immersion steeping, aeration and CO2 extraction.
The plant runs four Saladin boxes with up-draught ventilation, each box holding one batch. Temperature control of humidified air is maintained through a refrigerated cooling system with a warm air recirculation facility. The grain stays in the germination box for 4 days.
During the kilning cycle, one batch is split between two pressure kilns. Kilns are indirectly fired by anox natural gas burners and are strictly monitored. Usual kilning time is 20 hours. Warm air re-circulation is incorporated during the kilning cycle.
Our onsite bulk malt storage capacity is approximately 6000 Tonnes via gas tight metal silos and metal holding bins. All malt dispatches are weighed across the on-site state-of-the-art weighbridge.